TeachMichigan Research and Learning
We believe in a future where every Michigan child has access to a high-impact educator and leader. We have partnered with Michigan State University’s Education Policy Innovation Collaborative as our leading research team. Please refer to our research and learning glossary for a comprehensive list.
Teach For America’s Semi-Annual Reports
Twice yearly, TFA submits reports to the Michigan Department of Education sharing our learning to date and recommendations to scale similar programs statewide.
Within this report, we share key findings 18 months into executing our statewide program, including: 1) findings about the effect of improved compensation on retention in hard to staff schools, 2) what it takes to bring game changing professional development to educators, and 3) the importance of district and school level support to make real change with talent initiatives.
Within this report, we share key findings from our first year executing a statewide program, including: 1) programs must intentionally recruit and select high impact and high potential educators; 2) programs must be designed around essential core components, and 3) the finding that fellows are using TeachMichigan stipends to better meet their basic needs.
EPIC Learnings about TeachMichigan Highlights
EPIC provides ongoing reports to inform our research and learning.
TeachMichigan Fellow Perception of Their Learning (November 2024)
This report answers the questions: 1. What are fellows’ perceptions of the professional development (PD) and coaching they receive from TeachMichigan? 2. How do these perceptions differ across the Early Career, National Board Certification, and Aspiring Leader fellowship cohorts?
Teacher Compensation: Insights from TeachMichigan (November 2024)
This report examines teacher compensation in Michigan and how TeachMichigan could provide insight into addressing Michigan’s educator workforce challenges.
Recent Trends & Public Perception of Teacher Compensation in Michigan - Research Report (April 2024)
This report provides an overview of recent trends in teacher compensation and the current state of public perception of teacher compensation in Michigan.