About the Innovation Fund

About The Innovation Fund

The TeachMichigan Innovation Fund exists to bring ideas to life that have the potential of transforming schools throughout Michigan with the belief that one day, every child in Michigan will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. The TeachMichigan Innovation Fund seeks to activate courageous leadership in design thinking and problem solving and encourage innovative ideas that directly support improving the student experience in schools or incentivizing and inspiring educator retention.

We define improving the student experience in schools as inspiring student leadership, well-being, and deepening student learning. We define inspiring educator retention as projects that support re-thinking the educator role, exploring flexible scheduling to create more time in the day for educators, developing educator career pathways, and supporting educator wellness, among others.

Over the next year, TeachMichigan will invest up to 1 million in innovation funding across our six partner regions.

Fellow Funds Benefits

  • Access to funds of up to $10,000 for TeachMichigan Fellows
  • Access to optional coaching sessions with Innovation Team Leads
  • Opportunity to lean on, learn from, and engage with project leaders across the State of Michigan
  • Opportunity to codify your learnings and publish key findings with the larger TeachMichigan community
  • Opportunity to build and learn project management skills
  • The ability to create and impact system change for education
Innovation Fund Process

TeachMichigan Innovation Fund Lab

Questions about the innovation fund should be directed to Matt DeLaurence and Lexi Zeidan at Matt.Delaurence@teachforamerica.org and Lexis.Zeidan@teachforamerica.org.

Fellow Funds

TeachMichigan fellows are eligible to apply for up to $10,000 in funding to support projects that will enhance student outcomes and inspire educator retention.

Fellow Requirements

  • Be a TeachMichigan Fellow working in a Title I district and/or school.
  • Attend one onboarding session with TeachMichigan staff.
  • Participate in innovation fund lab engagement sessions, as requested and appropriate.
  • If requested, host TeachMichigan for a site visit to view the success of the project.
  • Submit an interim and final report documenting you project at requested deadlines. More information will be provided at onboarding sessions to approved individuals.
  • If requested and in collaboration with TeachMichigan, amplify the success and learnings of your project.
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